about us:
hi, we are leo coronado and oliver dammasch and we both are in various bands and projects. we formed this one in 2006 sometime without any real idea of what we were about or what we plan to do. we sort of like to keep things that way and don't believe in boundaries. we embrace the idea of collaborating with others in what we do. we don't want to make people to pay to hear our music. the origin of our music is free and so why shouldn't the end product be. you can email us at capitalanimal@gmail.com for questions, requests, and free cds.
-leo and oliver, jan. 27, 2007

our myspace [myspace.com/capitalanimal]
only for the open minded [onlyfortheopenminded.com] - label? press? etc?
guppies [iloveguppies.com] - leo's band
deadArt [dierockersdie.com/deadart] - oliver's solo
DiE ROCKERS DiE [dierockersdie.com] - oliver's band (r.i.p)
art damaged [myspace.com/artdamaged] - leo's band (r.i.p)


fvck the copyrights..